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Crush Crowdfunding Podcast

Mar 16, 2020

In this episode, host Nalin talks about how to create a successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign. Nalin shares steps that you can follow to create your successful campaign.


Nalin discusses:

-          [1:03] A lot of people think that because they have an incredible idea, put a nice crowdfunding page together and just launched their campaign, people will automatically come to their page and it will raise millions. That’s a huge myth.

-          [3:02] It all starts with a good product, something that people want, and people actually need.

-          [3:26] You can make sure you have a good product by doing market research, pricing research and good competitor research.

-          [5:22] Next for a successful campaign, you need good assets. Good assets will take your product very far.

-          [5:31] Everything that people see about your products all comes down to what pictures and videos you take of your product, little snippets you’ve taken of assets you have.

-          [7:25] You have to find people who want to talk about your product. These can be people like bloggers, vloggers, or anyone else who has an audience.

-          [8:36] You need to find your own audience, make your own connections.

-          [9:35] Finding an audience and finding the right people for your product is hugely important.

-          [11:05] You can find your audience by going to friends and family. Or by going on forums, talking to people and sharing your product.

-          [11:38] The main way people find their audience is by going to Facebook and running advertising to a group of people who they think will be interested in their product.

-          [12:12] Warm up your audience for your pre-launch by following up and “nurturing” your relationship with them.

-          [14:55] Stretch your reach by doing a live session and answer questions directly.

-          [15:10] Directly message people who have backed you or haven’t and find out why to make changes on your product.

-          [16:52] Crowdfunding takes a ton of preparation, time, energy, and work.

-          [17:56] It is not a complex process, it's how good you execute it and how much you follow these steps!